Signed in as:
Signed in as:
This past week Congresswoman Jayapal held a town hall, if you missed it here is the link. I recommend watching it, just so you can hear a leader that makes some sense! Also, she had important local leaders on her panel that we should all know about. These impressive women run organizations that could use our support & $$. ( In the video of the town hall, they introduce themselves and explain what their orgs do & whats been happening for them recently)
1. Jaelynn Scott, the executive director of the Lavender Rights Project
2. Malou Chávez, the executive director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
3. Michele Storms, executive director of the ACLU Washington
Also, as you may have heard, we can all do a simple action this week of participating in the Economic Blackout on February 28th ( this Friday!) -see below for more details. The group behind this is The Peoples Union & this is their mission; "We are not a political party. We are not a protest. We are a movement of people, unionizing to take back control of our economy, government and future of our country."
Thank you so much for your continued action,
all of us at Think Big Wedgwood.
Thursday February 27th from Midnight till Friday The 28th Midnight
(A full 24 hours of the 28th)
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Do not make any purchases
Do not shop online, or in-store
No Amazon, No Walmart, No Best Buy
Do not spend money on:
Fast Food
Major Retailers
Do not use Credit or Debit Cards for non essential spending
Only buy essentials of absolutely necessary
(Food, Medicine, Emergency Supplies)
If you must spend, ONLY support small, local businesses.
Talk about it, post about it, and document your actions that day!
~ Corporations and banks only care about their bottom line.
~ If we disrupt the economy for just ONE day, it sends a powerful message.
~ If they don't listen (they wont) we make the next blackout longer (We will)
This is our first action.
This is how we make history.
February 28th
The 24 Hour Economic Black Out Begins.
We have 3 things to share today, and 1 is a mini-action. We also have added important info about a protest tomorrow 2/17 and a boycott on 2/28. Thank you to all who have sent actions and have written emails thanking us for this info. We are trying to be mindful about what we share to make sure we keep things do-able and not overwhelming.
1. CELEBRATE We need to take the time to celebrate successes!! We passed PROP1a! Way to go! “Voters have spoken – now is the time for Seattle to take bold, innovative action to meet our housing and homelessness crises,” House Our Neighbors wrote. “We have shown that we can create the changes we want to see, and not wait for those in power to create it for us. We have the power to stand up to the oligarchs and corporations who don’t want to pay a dollar more in taxes to solve the housing crisis affecting the community that foster their success.”
2. ON THE TOPIC OF NEWS: Its important we get news through reliable sources, and spread it. If you hear anyone spreading lies and propaganda, including local media, contradict them with facts and their sources.
Here are some of the sources for news, recommended by Robert Reich:
Democracy Now, Business Insider, The New Yorker, The American Prospect, The Atlantic, Americans for Tax Fairness, Economic Policy Institute, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, The Guardian, ProPublica, Labor Notes, The Lever, Popular Information, Heather Cox Richardson, and, of course, his Substack.
3. EMAIL TO WRITE BEFORE 2/24/25 : Please consider taking a moment to send an email out to oppose HR 32, the “No Bailouts for Sanctuary Cities” bill. This bill is being fast tracked in the House and it’s important for our Reps to hear from us. Intel is that this will go to vote on Feb 24.
Thank you so much for your continued action,
all of us at Think Big Wedgwood.
Representative XXXXXXXX
United States House of Representatives
Vis Electronic Mail
Dear Representative XXXXX
We write to you today to urge you to vote against H.R. 32, otherwise known as the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act.
We ask that you vote against a bill coming to the House floor that would empower the Trump administration to freeze health, education, and emergency funding from states and cities that do not support mass deportations. H.R. 32, the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act, would make massive cuts to state and local governments that do not want to use state resources to support the Trump administration in breaking apart families.
This bill requires the federal government to end funding to these cities and states for any program that could possibly help undocumented immigrants. This means schools, hospitals, public health departments, food banks, and domestic violence programs could all lose their funding. The bill would likely lead to the stripping of all funding for every user of these programs, citizen or not. Cities and states should not have to choose between repurposing state resources to support mass deportations and providing basic services for their residents.
Examples of programs that could be interpreted by the Trump administration as benefiting undocumented immigrants include:
Funding for schools, including grants and school meals
Transportation projects, such as a road expansion that undocumented immigrants might drive on
Access to health care, including care reimbursement for hospitals
Public health programs, such as vaccinations
FEMA emergency assistance funding, such as for shelters immediately after a natural disaster
Crime reduction programs, such as Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants
This bill would deprive funding for states, localities, and their residents simply for undertaking reasonable policy measures that aim to enhance public safety and community well-being.We urge you to VOTE AGAINST H.R. 32 and protect services for communities across the country.,
Dear neighbors,
This weeks mini-action is easy & essential and could even been a weekly thing we do on a Saturday afternoon while dinner is in the oven or baby is sleeping..
Write to your senators and members of Congress about the constitutional crisis we are in, urging them to stop all confirmation votes, stop hearings, and reclaim their appropriations authority.
Senator or Congressman (or Congresswoman) [XXX]
Re: Constitutional Crisis
Dear Senator or Congressman (or Congresswoman) [XXX]:
We are in a constitutional crisis. The president has usurped Congress’s authority, including freezing the use of appropriated funds. It is time to act now.
Stop all confirmations. Put holds on every Trump nominee. No more hearings or confirmation votes.
Get back your appropriations authority, whether through litigation or investigations. Allowing Musk’s DOGE access to all payments information enables them to decide who gets money Congress appropriated and designated.
State Offices Toll-free
Phone: 1-888-648-7328
717 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-228-0514 - FAX
915 Second Avenue
Suite 3206
Seattle, WA 98174
206-220-6400. CALL HER
206-220-6404 - FAX
Senator Patty Murray (WA)
Washington, D.C. Office
173 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2621
Fax: (202) 224-0238
Seattle Office
2988 Jackson Federal Building
915 2nd Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98174
Phone: (206) 553-5545
Fax: (206) 553-0891
If you haven't voted in this special election yet, please do so this weekend!! We've GOT to fund social housing and beat back the big business interests (Microsoft & Amazon) throwing money into the opposition campaign - to avoid paying taxes on their ultra-wealthiest employees.
Youth in our community need us to show up, speak out, and demand action. Please take these steps today and encourage others to do the same. We are in this together. Let’s make sure trans youth in Seattle and beyond know that they are seen, supported, and protected.
Thank you so much for your continued action,
all of us at Think Big Wedgwood.
Trans youth in Washington are facing increasing threats to their access to necessary, life-saving healthcare. We cannot stand by while their rights and well-being are at risk. We need action now.
Here’s how you can take immediate steps today to ensure that trans youth continue to receive the care and support they deserve:
1. Demand Action from Seattle Children’s Hospital – ASAP!
Seattle Children’s must be a leader in protecting trans healthcare. Submit eFeedback NOW to urge them to publicly advocate and fight for continued care.
• Go to: Seattle Children’s Family Feedback page
• Scroll halfway down and fill out the eFeedback form.
• In the first box (“Department/Service Area”), type “Hospital Leadership” – this ensures it reaches decision-makers.
• Request follow-up at the bottom to increase hospital response.
2. Use Your Voice Publicly
We must be loud and clear: trans youth deserve safety, dignity, and care.
• Write letters to newspapers, call into local radio shows, and speak out wherever you can.
• If you have a platform, use it—share this message with your community, school groups, and social networks.
3. Advocate with the WA Attorney General’s Office
Real stories make a difference in legal advocacy. Share the personal impact of this care and the dangers of losing it.
• Contact: Neal Luna, Assistant Attorney General | Wing Luke Civil Rights Division
• 📩
• 📞 206-287-4189